Fellow Sigma Rhos,
My name is Aaron Reinsbach and I am the currently Sigma Rho house president. Our fraternity is in the process of raising money for our philanthropic partner, The Andrew Weishar Foundation.
Andrew Weishar, who tragically passed in October 2012 from colon cancer, was a close friend of many current Sigma Rho undergrads. His brother, Danny, started the Andrew Weishar Foundation in his honor to pay forward the kindness and respect Andrew along with his family received during his three year battle with cancer. The foundation aids families with adolescents that are batting cancer.
As we all know cancer can not only be physically damaging but also financially. The foundation helps try to alleviate some of the financial burdens the families experience. I have seen first-hand the families and faces of young children battling cancer that have been changed by the foundation for the better. In only two and a half years, the foundation has over 35 benefactors and has donated over $185,000 for families battling cancer.
What we are trying to do as a fraternity is to raise as much money as we can for the foundation through our fundraising event April 16th. The active chapter is very passionate about this cause and we want to get all Sigma Rhos involved, past and present. Last year we raised far more than our goal of 5,000 dollars and this was in large part because of generous donations to the foundation from the alumni.
If you would like to contribute in any way, attend the event April 16th, or have any questions about the foundation feel free to call me at 630-689-8207 or email me at illinoisbetaphilanthropy@gmail.com.
We have also set up a GoFundMe account where people can donate to our cause. Here is the link if you would like to donate:
Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
Yours in -kai-
Aaron Reinsbach