Daniel Boyd Kokes, November 30, 1943-April 15, 2005.
Son of Ruth and Wilbur Kokes; brother of Kate Fletcher and Sue Shiffrin; partner of Jeannie; father of Jenni Hulsey, Todd and Matt; father-in-law of Tom and Stacey; brother-in-law of Mary Lee, Larry, Ruth and Barby; Papa of Luke, Zack, Kyle and just-born baby-girl Hulsey; uncle of Cami, Eva, Aaron and Steve.
Few knew, nor did he speak of his accomplishments, yet many benefited from the man he was: selfless, playful, genuine, constant, adventuresome. However, he was the man who did much: he nurtured children at the Sittery childcare facility at Little Friends and sang in the Elizabeth Seton choir. He was the man who built bridges in Guatemala and a strawbale home on the Hopi reservation. He supported the endeavors of many in Naperville St. Raphael's, Naperville CARES, St. Elizabeth Seton, Marriage Encounter, Little Friends without needing or demanding recognition. He volunteered every summer for the Washington Island Wisconsin Timber Coooperative. He served as secretary/treasurer of PAVA, a not for-profit foundation to help the indigenous people of Guatemala.
For 30 years he dedicated his life to growing the family business, Silbrico Corporation, in Hodgkins, IL. Dan's vitality spread in concentric circles embracing his children and grandchildren, his many friends and associates, reaching finally but most importantly to those less fortunate. He was the man behind the psychologist, the daycare director, the businessman and the musician. He gave much yet asked little. We celebrate Dan Kokes who has now joined Will Kokes and Edward and Lee Mendius in our hearts and memories. The family encourages all who were touched by Dan to join them in remembering and sharing at a gathering on the Summer Solstice at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Naperville. If you have a special memory, anecdote, or thought about Dan, please write it down and send it to Janet Reed, 1413 Culpepper Drive, Naperville 60540, so his grandchildren will one day share in the riches of your stories. "He who binds to himself a Joy, Doth the winged life destroy; But he who Kisses the Joy as it flies, Lives in Eternity's sunrise." William Blake.
Published in a Chicago Tribune Media Group Publication on Apr. 24, 2005